Pretty Theft: A play about ballerinas, boxes and the dangers of beauty.

Norwood High School presents PRETTY THEFT, a play about ballerinas, boxes and the dangers of beauty written by Adam Szymkowicz, produced by special arrangement with Samuel French. After losing her father, Allegra falls under the wing of bad girl Suzy, only to find an unexpected friendship with Joe, an autistic savant. When things take a violent turn, Allegra and Suzy escape cross country and befriend Marco, a mysterious thief who claims he cannot be caught.

“Szymkowicz has not only taken the notion of theft and flipped it on its head – he’s taken a story about human beings at their worst and shown how we can claw our way back from the brink by finding the good within ourselves.” -The Villager


Allegra…………………….. Erin Fogarty
Suzy……………………….. Andrea Stebbins
Joe…………………………. Jason Allen
Bobby……………………… Paul Nassif
Marco……………………… Sean Rice
Waitress………………….. Meghan Ring
Allegra’s Mom………….. Alessandra Varon
Supervisor……………….. Jessica Maldonado


Schanaya Barrows, Amanda Ciarletto, Carly Foye, Kayleigh Lennon, Jessica Maldonado, Ian Moulton, Taylor Murchie, Victoria Paul, Meghan Ring


Student Director:…………. Molly Dittmeier
Stage Managers:………… Colleen Cardinal, Victoria Phillips
Dance Captain……………. Carly Foye
Choreography…………….. Ensemble

Acting Coaches…………… *John Quinn, *Beth Goldman
Movement Coach………… *Kelly McGowan
Set Design Advisor……….. *James Bowers
Technical Advisor………… *Rob Strano, *Keith Fogarty

Sets & Scenery

Set Change Crew Chief, Props……………………………………. Colleen Cardinal
Set Design & Construction……………………………………….. Jason Allen, Savannah Bannon. Jennifer Ciarletto, Molly Dittmeier, Kaileigh Lennon, Paul Nassif, Mea San Giacomo, Andrea Stebbins

Lighting & Sound

Lighting Design……………………………………………………. Maeve Lyon, Paul Nassif
Board Operation………………………………………………….. Maeve Lyon
Sound Design……………………………………………………… Molly Dittmeier, Victoria Phillips, Vivien Beauchemin, Mia Phillips
Sound Board Operation………………………………………….. Vivien Beauchemin, Mia Phillips

Costumes & Make Up

Costume Design & Construction…………………………………. Schanaya Barrows, Meghan Ring, *Kyle Cullen
Hair and Make Up………………………………………………… Schanaya Barrows, Meghan Ring, *Kyle Cullen

WARNING: This play contains implications of sexual assault, strobe light, and camera flashes.

“… In Pretty Theft, the undercurrent of danger goes beyond quirkiness; it’s more subtle and ultimately more horrifying. The play takes place in a terrifying world where reckless people get hurt, and so do more or less innocent bystanders.” -The New York Times