Norwood High School Drama presents Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream, running April 29th and 30th and again May 6th and 7th at 7pm at Norwood’s Savage Center.
Gods mix with mortals, a feuding king and queen unleash magical practical jokes on one another, spells yield improbable love affairs, and a band of comical tradesmen wander into an enchanted wood and are transformed in the most unlikely ways in Shakespeare’s most popular and enduring comedy.
Working with Norwood’s high school drama teacher John Quinn, this uproarious comic fantasy is directed in a traditional manner by two extremely talented high school seniors– Amanda Bonaccorso and Kristen McCarthy—and set in ancient Athens. An extraordinary set design is provided by architect James Bowers, named Norwood’s Fine Arts Advocate of the Year, 2011, who has designed numerous Norwood productions throughout the past four years, including Pippin, Black Comedy & the White Liars, Marley’s Ghost, A Christmas Carol, and most recently, the award-winning The Real Inspector Hound. Costume designer Tess Gautreaux is creating gorgeous trappings for Greek royalty and European-style fairies and rustics alike.
Friday and Saturday, April 29th and 30th at 7pm
Friday and Saturday, May 6th and 7th at 7pm
Norwood Savage Center
General admission: $5 , Students/seniors $4 at the door
Questions: 1.781.440.5917