New Prospect Players announces auditions for Fall One Acts.
Having just completed a successful production of “The Man Who Came to Dinner” The New Prospect Players now begin production of their third annual series of one acts. Plays include unpublished scripts by local and regional authors along with “Sure Thing” by David Ives and “For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls” by Christopher Durang. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday; October 2, 3, & 4.
Open to all community members! Prepare for cold readings from the scripts. Auditions will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, July 15 & 16, starting at 7pm, at the Savage Educational Center Theatre at 275 Prospect St., Norwood, MA. For more information, contact Jonathan Cardoni at 617-763-7190.
Bill Boyer
July 8, 2008 — 10:44 am
I know a number of folks who have seen your web site but are questioning, is this for young adults only?
Thanks for your input
Bill Boyer
617 537 3131
July 8, 2008 — 10:59 am
The New Prospect Players is a local community theatre group raising money for Norwood student drama. The troupe and its one-acts have no upper age limit at all!
Claire Helene
July 25, 2009 — 7:35 pm
I’m a fan of acting in community theater, and I’m saddened not to see any postings about upcoming productions in the Norwood area. Someone had told me you were actively recruiting. Can you cheer me up with news of something on the distant horizon?
Thank you,
Claire Helene