Jimmy Tingle’s “American Dream: Live on Stage and Screen” is a unique theatrical event featuring a film screening of Jimmy Tingle’s American Dream, followed by a Q & A and a Live Jimmy Tingle Stand Up Comedy Performance at the NHS Paul M. Alberta Performing Arts Center on Friday, Jan. 11 at 7:30pm.
A tour de force
Comedy, commentary, and conversation with some of America’s most iconic personalities and social critics, as well as family, friends, and total strangers as they speak up and speak out on the American Dream.
As he weaves his stand up comedy career into the fabric of the American Dream onscreen, you’ll meet Oscar winners and comedians, historians and the homeless as he aspires to make us laugh, to make us think, and encourages us to dream. Featuring the interviews and opinions of Robert Altman, Bobcat Goldthwait, Howard Zinn, Mort Sahl, Janeane Garafalo, Sean Hannity, Lewis Black, Al Franken, Robert Reich, Colin Quinn, Barry Crimmins, Jimmy’s mother Frances and more. Music by Willie Nelson, The Mighty, Mighty Bosstones, The Neighborhoods, and Jimmy Tingle on harmonica.
The live Tingle performance following the Film and Q & A will feature both “The Best Of” material from his previous one person shows as well as new material garnered from the 2012 election season and that week’s headlines – Topical, Timeless, Tingle !!!! Regarded as one of the top social commentators of his generation, Jimmy Tingle’s wry and insightful look at contemporary society shines a bright light on life’s absurdities.
Join Us
Buy tickets online or contact the NHS Fine Arts Office (781) 352-3546.
- Gen’l admission tickets: $25 advance or $30 at the door.
- Student tickets: $10 advance or $15 at the door.
Thank you!
Performance proceeds will help send Norwood High School Drama program participants to perform at the 2013 American High School Theater Festival/ Fringe Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland.